Wednesday, March 18, 2009

King Up,
Mixed Media over monotype

Outsider Inspired Art:
Alice, Mixed Media over monotype,
16" x 20"
Corporate Collections:
GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical Company, North Carolina, American International Group, New York, NY
Private Collections:
Sophia Loren, Los Angeles, CA, Edward Dragon, Southampton, NY, John Bloomfield, New York, NY
Elaine Giguere, Executive Director, DVAA, Narrowsburg, NY, Nelson Santos, Associate Director, Visual AIDS, New York, NY
Created Faces: Collage
By putting together different features to create portraits, my Created Faces Collages’ come together and create a whole being. As I assemble these features, new faces evolve. Even though they are mixed matched images; both male and female, they form one personality. These beings unabashedly emerge from this process. All three Images were exhibited at the Queens Museum of Art.

Uomo, 5" x 7"

4" x 6"

5" x 7"

Small Works:
Paper Lithographs each 2" x 6"

A multi-faceted series of new works create hybrids from an earlier process.
Original monotypes are merged to form artworks that are handcrafted mosaic-like weaves of color, shape, texture and movement. Final images are transformed into art on paper with greater depths of aesthetic consistency.

Cone # 1, 11"x11"

Above: From the GlaxoSmithKline
Pharmaceuticals Collection

Cone #2,
Red Diptych 24" x 16" Static Diptych 24" x 16"